We love feature requests and bug reports. Here are some guidelines for submitting them.


Please tag your ticket as either a bug or a featurerequest. If you are submitting a patch, then tag it as patch also.


We have a lot of tickets here and review them periodically. Please use a meaningful title. Tickets with titles like "example fails" are likely to be ignored, if not rejected.


We want to hear about bugs that you find, but we can’t address them if we can’t reproduce them. If you submit a Bug report, be sure to include:

  • Rboss version (either a versioned release or git commit number)
  • any other relevant versions, OSes, etc
  • a failing example AND code (see sample below) – we need to be able to reproduce the failure. While code snippets are better than nothing, what we really prefer is an RSpec test.
describe "My Problem" do
  it "can be reproduced as follows" do
    # Why doesn't this work?
    # (This is just a silly example)
    true.should be_true
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A handy gem to make using the Yahoo Boss API nice and easy in ruby.

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